about me
Hey there! I’m just a passionate cinephile who loves exploring and discussing the creative intricacies of movies and TV shows. I prefer to stay in the shadows, letting my work speak for itself. But here’s a little about me
Graduated from The University of Texas at Austin in 2016, where I fell in love with the art of storytelling.
I work at a creative/marketing agency, where I get to collaborate on projects that fuel my imagination.
why I write
Movies and TV series have always been my escape and inspiration.
Through this blog, I share my appreciation for the creativity and effort behind bringing stories to life, whether it's a blockbuster or an indie gem.


There are days when I feel like the weight of the world is pressing down on me. Days when the future feels uncertain, and every step forward feels like walking through fog. I don’t know what lies ahead, and truth be told, that scares me.
But there’s one thing I hold onto, one thing that keeps me from drowning in doubt: my love for filmmaking.
My Story
/And Also a Disclaimer
I’m not an expert, far from it. But there’s something magical about the process of creating a story, about capturing emotions and moments and weaving them into something that speaks to people. Writing about it, sharing what little I know—it’s my way of staying connected to that magic. And maybe, just maybe, it’s a way to heal myself.
This blog, for me, is more than words on a page. It’s a lifeline. A place where I can pour my thoughts, console myself, and, hopefully, connect with others who feel the same way. People who understand what it’s like to be passionate about something, even when life feels like it’s pulling you in every direction but the one you want to go.
Lost in the Fog

I’ve thought about staying anonymous. It felt safer that way—hiding behind a veil, keeping my struggles and insecurities tucked away. But I’ve learned that anonymity isn’t always welcomed, especially in a world that thrives on authenticity. So, while I may not share all of myself, I’ll share enough. Enough to be here, to be real, to be vulnerable in a way that feels right.
The Anonymous Dreamer
And there’s more I want to do. This isn’t just a blog for me—it’s a journey. A journey that I hope will lead to something bigger. Soon, I plan to start a free filmmaking course, something that anyone with a dream and a passion can access.
It won’t cost a thing, because I know what it’s like to feel limited by circumstances. I’ll rely on platforms like AdSense to keep this dream and site afloat, but the heart of it will always be about sharing knowledge, about giving back.
A Blog for the Dreamers
I’m not going to lie; this isn’t easy. There are nights when doubt creeps in, when the voice in my head tells me I’m not good enough, that no one will care about what I have to say.
But I’m learning to quiet that voice. To remind myself that even if this helps just one person, even if it connects me with just one kindred spirit, it’s worth it.
Dreaming Beyond the Screen

Life has a way of testing us, of throwing challenges our way when we least expect them. But I believe that every challenge is an opportunity. An opportunity to grow, to learn, to find strength in places we didn’t know existed.
So, here I am, taking a leap of faith. Sharing my journey with all of you. I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know this: I’m not giving up.
Not on my dreams, not on myself, and not on the hope that there’s a community out there waiting to be built.
Shadows and Strength
Here’s to new beginnings, to dreams that refuse to die, and to the courage it takes to keep moving forward.
Let’s see where this journey takes us. Fingers crossed, and heart wide open.